Why Does Health Insurance Cost So Much? – Ohio Lemon Law

Health Insurance
Why does health insurance cost so much? Year after year, many of the articles that appear in print detail the specific factors driving the cost of healthcare. These factors include: general inflation, advances in drugs and other medical devices, rising hospital and doctor expenses, government mandates, increased consumer demand, litigation, fraud, and cost shifting. The basic answer is that a magic bullet to solve the cost of insurance does not exist because the real difficulty is controlling the cost of healthcare. A simple way to dramatically decrease the dollars spent on healthcare is to reduce the demand for healthcare. I have seen estimates that up to 40% of all healthcare related expenses result from preventable conditions. These preventable conditions are caused by lifestyle choices such as tobacco, obesity, stress, lack of exercise and poor diet. Most of us, myself included, make lifestyle choices everyday that eventually increase our demand for healthcare. We are never going to be able to totally eliminate all lifestyle related healthcare costs. However, improved lifestyle choices would cause a dramatic reduction in demand. This would then result in a similar reduction in the dollars spent on healthcare. Lower demand for healthcare would result in lower health insurance costs, increased productivity, and reduced absenteeism. If your organization has not done so already, your organizational leaders need to seriously consider the benefits of health promotion and disease prevention programs. Your return on investment will most likely be as high as 2:1 in the first year.

Choose the wrong health insurance coverageand it can cost you
health insurance coverageand
Do YOU know how to get the health insurance policy you need to cover your healthcare needs without excess costs?

Making poor choices as you choose your Health insurance policy can be disastrous, both to your pocketbook and to your health. If youre one of thousands of Michigan residents who need health insurance or need to maintain continuous coverage, make sure you get the information you need to avoid trouble.

Health care quality varies. To ensure you receive quality health care all areas involved must be evaluated carefully. These areas include doctors, hospitals, medical groups, and health insurance plans. The type of health insurance plan you have can and does affect the quality of service you receive.

For example, your physician may suggest certain tests to diagnose your condition. Your insurance may not cover the tests, or may determine they dont think its necessary. Medical tests can be quite expensivemake sure you have the coverage you need. Doing your research before you make a final choice on which health insurance policy you get is the best way to avoid problems later.

Pitfalls to Avoid as You Select Your Health insurance

Pitfall #1. Not getting enough information. Many people in search of health insurance are uninformed. Theyre not sure exactly what type of coverage they needthey simply know they need Health insurance. Not all health insurance policies are the same.

The amount of coverage, co-pay amounts, levels of coverage, and how claims are processed are items that can vary greatly. These items can be a great expense if you choose the wrong plan for your needs. The costs can be more than just money. Time and the quality of your health care can also suffer.

This can be especially true if you have chronic health problems and require regular visits to specialists. Dont assume that just because your health insurance agent shows you a policy that its the one you need.

Todays health care services cover more areas than ever before. Some health insurance policies cover most, some dont. Take the time to match your needs to the policy that provides coverage in the areas that are important to you.

All Health insurance policies have sections defining whats covered in each area of health care. Youll want to make sure you review areas such as health screenings, physical exams, specialists care, emergency care, prescription coverage, dental, vision care, family planning, chiropractic, hospitalization, and alternative care coverage.

Pitfall #2. No Comparison. Just as you shop for the best price and quality for items like cars, clothing, groceries, and other monthly expenses, you should do the same when choosing your Health insurance policy. Common items to compare are coverage levels and co-pays for doctor visits, prescription medicine, hospital stays, and emergency health situations. Other items to consider will depend upon your current health status and your age.

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